By Pst. Ayo  Alabi. (Resident Pst Chapel of Mercy Int'l Church)

DATE: Sunday 5th January, 2020.

The Kingdom of God is guided by principles to produce to produce certain results. The principle tells us what God can do and our own role to play to produce our desired results.

God knows that we have needs but we as individual has a role to play and what we need to do.

Each of the principles are designed such that one can not replace the other. Each of the principle are to produce certain result. There must be a connection between the earth and the heaven.

 There is something the earth must do to call the heaven down.

 *Matthew 6:6 - 9

6. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in heaven ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
9. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Your situation can not just change because you want it changed.
There is something you must do to make it happen.
Our Lord Jesus severally called "Father , Father !! ". You should also be able to call the same FATHER but provided you are his son or daughter. You  have the access to the Kingdom of heaven to ask of help.

Call on the father in heaven.
Silence sometimes can mean that you enjoy what you are passing through.

A child is expected to go to the father to ask for help. Don't say you have asked before, keep asking until you get what you asked for. No one on earth is without need, we all have needs.
Houses, Cars, Luxury things etc are God's Blessings of God but there are things that those material things can not replace.
 Only God can meet your need.
No mortal can help you except whoever God send to you.
Only God can help but can also send man to help you.


1. YOU MUST HAVE A FATHER IN HEAVEN God is the creator of all but He is not a father of all. God has a father to you means an unbroken relationship. When you call Him your father you are saying i belong to you forever.
Matt. 6: 8
Heaven is the only place where help come from. When you pray, be in the know that you are not just praying or speaking to the air but be of the consciousness that there is a ear in Heaven that listen.
The Father in heaven listens to His children to give them their needs. Having a father in heaven shows that you are not the one that will do what you asked him for.
Anytimes God has an assignment on earth, He will be searching the world for who to send.

2. SEEK THY KINGDOM FIRST: Let  His Kingdom be your  Priority.
Matt 6: 32 - 33

32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: ) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Let the Kingdom of God be your focus. When you seek God's widom, you are seeking God's Himself. When you seek Kingdom of God, you want to be established before you prosper. If you prosper without been established it is a problem.
When you are established, you can not escape prosperity. A prosprous person can come down without establishment.
Your feet must be grounded in His Kingdom.
"Seek ye the kingdom of God and His Righteousness"
His Righteousness is what is good for you.

3. YOU MUST ASK: Ask Him until you recieve
Matt 7: 7

If you are asking, seeking and knocking, from where are you asking and from who? Ask and seek from heaven.
When you go to the place of prayer, you are creating what is not made manifest in your life. Seeking is a system of recieving.
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Christ Jesus"
Isaiah 62: 6
Give God no rest until He comes to establish a place for you on earth.
Be consistent in asking, don't give up. Ask, don't relent. God knows what you need yet He said you should ask.
Your secret prayer will manifest with answer in the open.
How bold are you in God, how do you boast of Him as your father?
Psalm 2: 8
Why are you limiting yourself.
 What you have is what you asked ?
Asking God is a sign of helplessnes.


1. Father, i won't Pray in vain this year.
2. Father, Please bring all my request to reality this year.
3. Father, when i seek you in secret place, please answer me speedily in the open.
4. This year 2020, i shall not be limited. Nothing will limit me.
5. Every Principality in me that has kept me stagnant, Father this year i am delivered. I ivercome them today.
6. I am making progress, i will not be on the same spot.
TURNING YOUR DESIRE INTO REALITY TURNING YOUR DESIRE INTO REALITY Reviewed by Chapel of Mercy Int'l Church on January 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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